June, 2013 RSS Icon
Found 5 entries for June, 2013.

So! You're ready to sell your house, it's time to do some Catskills Real Estate (yes sometimes we say we "do" Catskills Real Estate), and choose an agent who knows how to sell a house with real estate photography. Congratulations on taking the first step on the path towards wherever it is you're going next! Now it's time to choose an agent who knows how to sell a house! Do you have a friend or neighbor who's an agent? Did an acquaintance just buy or sell and offer a recommendation?  Before you pick up the phone and commit to an agent you need to understand how to tell an agent who knows how to sell a house from an agent who doesn't. If you understand the pieces of the property marketing puzzle you can make sure your agent is playing with a full deck (ah,

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You're selling your house in the Catskills, you need video for real estate, if you've got an agent who knows how to sell a house, they'll give it to you!

"Video" Vs. Video

(Real) Video For Real Estate....Really

Video for real estate is a tricky business. Most agents will tell you they can offer you a video if you choose to list with them. Does your potential agent's "video" look something like this:



If it does, they don't know how to sell a house. AHHHH!!!! Run the other way. Today we're focusing on #2 on our list of skills your agent must have - things they know if they know how to sell a house


Listing Agent Must Haves!

1. Photography Skills
2. Video Capability
3. Staging Skills
4. Compelling Copy Writing

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An agent who knows how to sell a house will be able to answer "What is home staging" when you ask. Oh, and help you do it.

So what is home staging? First lets looking at some pictures of home staging in action.

what is home staging

What is Home Staging



What home is staging? Staging is making your house look pretty and appealing to buyers! I know, I know - we've all watched hour upon hour of HGTV staging shows. We're all budding stagers. But here's the thing, watching those shows doesn't help you understand what buyers in our Catskills Real Estate market, a very unique market, want to see. An agent who knows how to sell a house will know that.

When it comes to our own stuff we all tend to be stubborn. We don't edit the way someone else would because - we like our stuff -

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The Importance of Real Estate Description

Are you about to hire a real estate agent to sell your home for you? You need an agent who knows how to sell a house. There are 5 key skills an agent needs to have to qualify as an agent who knows how to sell a house (see our handy checklist below). #4 is the mastery of the real estate description.

Gone are the days of buyers choosing houses solely based on their empirical value. No longer are number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage and price/square foot what's top of the mind when buyers are looking. The searches on real estate websites (where all your buyers are looking) weed out the listings that don't have the right number of bedrooms, bathrooms square footage, etc. By the time buyers are reading

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Looking for things to do in the Catskills? Well, wonder no more, we can tell you exactly what to do in the Catskills.


We're looking forward to Summer at Village Green Realty. Not that we don't love winter in the Catskills. The smell of a snow storm coming in, the skating, the nesting with a good cup of tea - all really good stuff. But we're looking forward to the Summer Music Festivals in the Catskills. It might sound cliched (and more than a bit dorky) but in Summer our "hills are alive with the sound of music". Festivals this summer range in content from country to opera, from musical theatre to world. In some cases tickets for these events go on sale early and sell out before the first big thaw. So, since we don't want you to be lamenting

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