October, 2015 RSS Icon
Found 3 entries for October, 2015.

12 Best Fall Drives

Where can you get the best recommendation for a fall leaf peeping drive in the Hudson Valley and Catskills?

Hudson Valley and Catskills Real Estate Agents are the perfect resource for this! We spend our lives in our cars. It's our business to know the most beautiful spots on every country road.  So, some of us got together and discussed our all-time favorites, and we're sharing them with you. Have a great drive through our territory and stop in at any of our 6 offices to pay us a visit. If you're interested in passing by some properties for sale as you motor down any of these routes, just contact us and let us know which route your planning on taking. We'll give you the skinny on what you can drive by, or even meet one of us to take a tour!


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Unconventional Equestrian

Orange County Equestrian Townhouse

I don't think there are too many human beings on this planet who don't love horses. They're beautiful, they're powerful, they have dreamy eyes, they even smell nice in that horsey way, and they carry us on their backs, wild and free! Woo-hoo! We all love them! (As a side note, everyone loves great real estate too).

There are different levels of horse love:

Level One: Admiration - these people are likely to have a gorgeous horse photograph on their living room wall, but you won't catch them mucking out a stall...ever. Maybe they take a yearly trail ride.

Level Two: Puppy Love - these people like to ride, they probably rode a lot when they were kids. But they're not willing to devote big chunks of their

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When we think of Woodstock, most of us think of the arts. So, take just a second to imagine what a home that exemplifies the spirit of Woodstock would be like....

It would have a connection to nature for inspiration. Wouldn't it? It would have charming spaces, outdoors and in. It would have unique details that go beyond traditional mill-work and tile, to surprises carried out with inventive, perfect craftsmanship. It would as if it grew in its spot over time, with each growth spurt marked by a different craftsperson with a different vision. Although those visions are different, they would exist in perfect harmony with one another. It would have developed just as the town has developed, incorporating new influences and welcoming each new group of

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