December, 2017 RSS Icon
Found 1 entry for December, 2017.

A Contemporary Woodstock Home For Sale - Relax, Recharge, Play & Jólabókaflóð!

Emerge Gallery in Saugerties NY


Winter is here, the holidays are upon us. It’s Christmas Eve and if you’ve been on the internet lately you’ve probably seen the memes about the Icelandic tradition of Jólabókaflóð, the annual “Yule Book Flood”. Long story short - on Christmas Eve everyone in Iceland gets a book (or a few) to cozy up with. How delightful. Instead of maniacally wrapping last minute gifts, making sure the cookies you leave out for Santa will beat the pants off those your neighbor’s family is leaving, or dragging yourself out of the house to another holiday party, you’re expected to cuddle up with a blanket and enjoy some literature surrounded by your people. No matter what your

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