July, 2014 RSS Icon
Found 2 entries for July, 2014.

 Three Great Hudson River Lifestyle Properties

I live in a 130 year old home on the Hudson River and wouldn’t trade it for any place on Earth, (even Ipanema)!  When I’m not out selling Hudson Valley homes, I’m usually home taking pictures of all the things I see each day on the Hudson.  I'm on the Ulster County side which faces east and gets incredible sun and moon rises, (my cell phone is filled with pictures of them).  During low tide (a lot of people don’t know the Hudson is a tidal waterway) I can walk out almost to the shipping channel.

There are three properties that have recently come up for sale on the river. I've been in all 3!  Hudson River properties are rare and usually sell fast so as soon as they're available I see them!

This first

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1014 Catskills Fireworks


Who doesn't love fireworks (besides maybe the family dog). Here's a list of fireworks displays with the Catskill Mountains and Hudson River as a perfect backdrop. I like to get in as much firework viewing as humanly possible this week. They're just soooooo pretty. Luckily some of the displays in the area are staggered so I can get more than one firework fix. Below are the displays that I think are MOST scenic (the insiders guide), and the folks at Ulster Publishing have kindly put together a complete list!

As a fireworks officianado I like to pack the right gear. Scroll down for a list of essentials to pack in that LL Bean tote (I know you've got one, everyone does).


Walkway over the hudson fireworks


From The Walkway Over The Hudson

 Wowza! That's a

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