November, 2016 RSS Icon
Found 3 entries for November, 2016.

Affordable Upstate NY Real Estate

So many of the calls and emails we receive every day are from homebuyers searching for a home or a second home in the Catskills and Hudson Valley area under $200,000. There are always some great options for our agents to show these homebuyers, homes that are in their price range and fit their lifestyles and dreams. But, I was doing my weekly peruse of our recent new listings today and I thought "JEEZ, we have a TON of really great homes under $200,000!" I found myself getting psyched for all the people out there who are looking for the perfect place at this price point - we could all use a really great nest right now! Many of the available homes have some features that you'd only expect to find in homes at higher

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125 Griffin Drive, Hurley - “Move in Ready”…Really.


“Move In Ready” – it means so many different things to different people. Here’s what it means to us… you don’t have to do anything to a home in order to make it comfortable for you. The interior of the home is ready for your furniture and the exterior is ready for you to enjoy! Landscaping? It’s mature, attractive and in good condition. The entry to the house is appealing and there’s a pathway that doesn’t need to be weeded, pointed, paved or messed-with in any way. You can just go ahead and prance down that pathway carrying your favorite painting, head to the living room, and hang it above the fireplace!

“Move In Ready” means there’s plenty of available space for all your stuff. If you

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Thanksgiving weekend is pretty special to me. I do not shop, I do not in fact, go anywhere. I use this one long weekend a year to enjoy what I consider to be the perfect country weekend. I stay at home amidst the woods and fields of my parents’ farm and my family does the things that country people do on Thanksgiving weekend. If you’re going to be in the Hudson Valley and Catskills this holiday weekend, you may want to share in my country alternatives to shopping, football, and movies you've already seen a bunch of times. If you don’t want to run around like a turkey with your head cut off on Thanksgiving weekend do some or all of these - you'll finish the weekend as grateful as you began: 


1. Bonfire Bocce.

I’ve never understood beach

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