May, 2018 RSS Icon
Found 1 entry for May, 2018.

Kingston NY Real Estate

Kingston NY Investment Properties

There are some great multi-family investment properties available in the Kingston New York Area. 

Spring has finally arrived! You would be the odd man out if the pleasant breezes and sunshine weren’t serving as a wake-up call, reminding you of all the goals you let lie quietly under the crusty ice of the 2017-2018 winter. Did you mean to start a new project and just lack the motivation? Maybe you had financial goals that you just didn’t have the gumption to act on.

It’s a good time to dip your toe into the rental market. As of April 1st the number of residential properties for sale in the city of Kingston was down 17% over the same period in 2017. Tight inventory can translate into a great rental market. When potential

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