June, 2014 RSS Icon
Found 4 entries for June, 2014.

New Paltz Land For Sale

When you're considering building and looking at land for sale in the Hudson Valley, the town of New Paltz might not be top of mind. New Paltz is a very established town with lots of wonderful pre-existing homes for sale. But you might be surprised to know that it's not entirely built out. There is land for sale still in New Paltz. Ready to look right now, current listings are below? Need to learn more? Read more, 5 Reasons to Build in New Paltz.


5 Reasons to Build In New Paltz


#1. You Can Feel Comfortable About Re-Sale Value

Of course if you're building your dream home you plan on living there forever right? The reality is that every home was built by someone and they generally get re-sold. If you're going to invest a lot of

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Hudson Valley Real Estate

[photo via Almanac Weekly]

It's time to get out of the city. It happens to the best of us. The urge really seems to hit people this time of year when it gets, how shall we put it? SMELLY! But are you a village person or a "hickster"*? If you're new to country life this might help you get your bearings. Village life is probably best for you if: 





#1. You Consider A Walk Down The Street A Social Event 

If running into a friend or acquaintance on the street warms the cockles of your heart, you're a village person. When you live in a Hudson Valley village this happens constantly. As soon as you move into the village you will meet people. Within one month you'll have the same number of friends it

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I love buying Art by Hudson Valley Artists. Let's be honest, I love buying Art! Whenever I get into a discussion about what I spend my money on (which happens far more often than you'd think, and usually directly follows someone skeptically giving my outfit du jour an incredulous look) I answer, "Art, Theatre Tickets, and renovating my "ranchie-ranch". I like to feel connected to the artists I buy somehow. I really like buying art by people I have a shared experience with, sometimes it's just a shared geography (I feel the same about my literature). For the past ten years all the Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty offices have been a "Gallery at Work". We have invited local artists to hang their pieces in our offices, hosted openings for them,

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It feels like summer! In the depths of winter we dream of these types of days; filled with Hudson Valley adventures - riding your bike on a rail trail, boating the hudson, hiking the Catskills' peaks, easing your way into a crystal clear swimming hole - and nights with just enough chill in the air to require a cozy sweatshirt, a firepit, and a grown-up beverage. YAAAAAAYYYY!

Here's a little secret, as I daydream about this kind of thing while I load groceries into my car in a slush covered parking lot in February, the image of the house where I'm relaxing isn't really MY HOUSE. Don't get me wrong, I love my "ranchie-ranch", there are lots of things to recommend it, but daydreams are for ideals. In my summertime fantasies I imagine myself

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