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<span>Amy Wallace is the Marketing Director for Coldwell Banker Village Green Realty. Crazy about the mountains, home decor, yoga, art, theatre and REAL ESTATE she likes nothing better than to blog about it all.</span>

Found 70 entries published by Amy Wallace.

21 Cragswood Road New Paltz NY Luxury Real Estate

21 Cragswood Road, New Paltz

The Real Estate industry runs on imagination. “Imagine what this house could be if you only…”; “Imagine what this property will be worth in…”; “Imagine this backyard with a pool, a pond, a treehouse…”. 

But, what if you’re the type of person who likes someone to deliver you the cake of your dreams, place it in front of you sparkling and perfect, so that you can have it, and then you can eat it too. What if you really just don’t want to “imagine”? Then you’re probably also the same type of person who will be elated when your real estate agent brings you to 21 Cragswood Road in New Paltz. Here, no imagination is required. This classy country home is already everything you could imagine and then some.



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Kingston Design Connection Showhouse 2018

A Final Farewell Photographic Tour

The first Kingston Design Connection Design Showhouse was a very special event, bringing together artists and designers, the public, and lucky lucky us in a project that might have just produced the funky-coolest showhouse ever. Just before they broke it down we took one final tour and a pile of photos. Enjoy!


The Exterior - Maryline Damour for Damour Drake

Read our interview with Maryline HERE




Dining Room - By FRED

Read our interview with Charles Farruggio and Michael Van Nort of FRED HERE




The Reading Room - By Margie Verghese of South Manor 




The Entry Hall and Music Lounge by Kate Cummings of

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Kingston Design Showhouse Pt. 4

The first Kingston Design Show House by the Kingston Design Connection was a huge success! I got the opportunity to talk with many of the designers during the run of the show but Kate Cummings of Freestyle Restyle and I were only able to connect after it closed. That’s OK because she may have already performed a Holiday Miracle. Not only did I get the lowdown on the now famous Rock ‘n’ Roll wallpaper, I got an item to put on the top of my holiday wish list – a visit from Kate! My living room needs her badly! It's an unsettling combo of an ugly piano, a bizarre green sectional I bought in an odd mood, and a giant African water buffalo head, and an unfinished mantel - because I can't decide what sort of mantel might

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Catskills Cabin For Sale 

A Unique Cottage / Cabin for Sale in The Catskills

At its most basic, home is a warm, dry place where inhabitants are protected from the elements. But it can also be a place where your dreams and creativity run free; a place for fun; a place where you can be one hundred percent yourself. In fact, that might be the New American Dream; owning a home that both feeds “you” and expresses “you”! That’s a pretty tall order.

Happily, for some lucky creative-type who has been searching for the place to live out the New American Dream in the Catskills, 2817 Route 10 in Ashland (located in Greene County) is being offered for sale! Don’t let the uninspired sounding address fool you, this is a deliciously different home.



At first glance it

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Kabinett and Kammer Andes NY


Kingston Design Showhouse Pt. 3

For years we've been following the Instagram channel of an antique shop in Andes - Kabinett and Kammer. They carry a particular vintage decor element that I'm obsessed with (I'll leave you guessing on that one), so I'm a big fan. I was so excited to hear that Sean Scherer the shopkeeper of Kabinett and Kammer was a member of The Kingston Design Connection and was going to take part in the Kingston Design Showhouse. He has a style that is wholly his own and I knew whatever he did would be layered and unique. Seeing his room, I was not disappointed. I got the chance to chat with him about his shop, how he found Andes, and his involvement in the Kingston Design Showhouse a few days ago. His story is so like so many

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Hoping your Catskill Escape Will Have a Stream?


One of the most relaxing things you can do this time of year in the Catskills & Hudson Valley Region is to pack yourself a thermos of tea, find a rock by a stream, and watch beautifully colored leaves float down a stream. How lovely does that sound? Streams are equally entertaining in the winter, when their edges freeze up, providing endless opportunities for ice crunching; in summer, when the moving water can cool your feet and offer a chance to observe wildlife; and in spring when their power and size change daily.

Streams are calming, so calming that corporations build them into the lobbies of their headquarters, people incorporate them into their homes via small water fixtures, and the

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Fred is a little shop in High Falls. Perfectly curated, at once comfortable and aspirational, it's been a favorite of mine for years. I was so glad to hear that owners Charles Farruggio and Michael Van Nort were going to be part of The Kingston Design Connections' Kingston Design Showhouse. It gave me the perfect excuse to interview them and pay a visit to the shop! We sat together on some beautifully upholstered slipper chairs and had a chat.


Me: I want to start with a couple of questions about the shop, which I just love. Why Fred? I've always wondered.

Michael: Usually people think it's one of our names. People will walk in say, "Are you Fred?" But I'll let you answer that question. Why Fred...

Charles: When we first were going

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New Paltz Real Estate has so much to offer buyers; from the great restaurants, to community events, SUNY New Paltz, the rail trail, local farms and orchards, and the Ulster County Fairgrounds. Amidst all of these attractions it would almost be possible to miss the Wallkill River winding it's way beneath Main Street on the west side of town, if it weren't for the beauty and calm the river seems to extend out into the village beyond, making New Paltz a very special town indeed. 

For thousands of years the Wallkill River has fed Ulster and Orange Counties. Now you can feed your senses on the banks of the river that Native Americans called the Twischsawkin. The river has been used by farmers, industrialists, naturalists, vacationers and indigenous

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An Up-and-Coming Town In The Hudson Valley May Be Your Best Chance To Invest Wisely or Score a Great Getaway

Catskill NY Village Property For Sale


When was the last time you visited Catskill? If you haven’t been there in a while perhaps you missed the memo; the Village of Catskill is where it's at right now! It’s buzzing. Walk down the wide, well-maintained sidewalks in the middle of a workday and you’ll meet neighbors, business people taking a quick coffee break, people out getting important errands done, and the odd tourist shopping the galleries and home goods stores.

There was a time when Catskill’s business district, with its wide welcoming Main Street and beautiful architecture was peppered with some empty storefronts. Those days are decidedly in the past. Catskill’s Main

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 Woodstock Real Estate For Sale

7 Woodstock Ridge NY Real Estate For Sale 

7 Woodstock Ridge For Sale - Summer Dreaming

Something funny happens in New York in February. Whilst residents are making good use of their winter toolkit: the windshield brush, the bucket of salt in the corner of the garage, the boots, the hair-wrecking hats, the ubiquitous puffy coat - whilst they struggle with the trappings of winter, New Yorkers, almost to the man, do something amazing; they ignore their icy reality and begin to dream of their summer. They plan out what they’re going to do, where they’re going to do it, and who they’ll do it with, just as soon as they can get into some shorts and a pair of sandals.


Catskills Screen Porch

Catskills Tree Houses


In February New Yorkers dream of hammocks and good books, strings of patio

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