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28 Martin Lane is 35.86 acres and is classified as Multi Family Dwelling but has a commercial Car Junk Yard License and a Motor Vehicle Dismantler’s license. Both are valuable and difficult to get. The buyer can either keep that license active or let it expire. This property has four structures consisting of a 4 Bedroom home, a Mobile home, a 3 bay auto garage and two barns. This property has a new commercial appraisal for $950,000. The appraisal is uploaded onto the MLS. The zoning here is 02 which means you can build a home on 2 acres. That means you could build close to 17 homes and a few more if you bought the parcel next to it. This parcel can also be sold with MLS 6299029 a 4.8 acre parcel of land is currently classified as auto sales. It can be used commercially or for residential use. This lot has a brand-new commercial appraisal for $410,000. The parcel next door, 4 Martin Lane is also Auto Sales and recently sold for $415,000 and was a much smaller lot. That lot is highlighted in yellow in the photos.
This mortgage calculator can be used to figure out monthly payments of a home mortgage loan, based on the home's sale price, the term of the loan desired, buyer's down payment percentage, and the loan's interest rate.
Listing information last updated on February 16th, 2025 at 2:05pm EST.